A comprehensive strategy for addressing the underlying causes of erratic blood sugar is Smart Blood Sugar Second Edition.This straightforward program narrows down the specific actions that can be taken right now to control blood sugar levels by cutting through all of the contradictory and ambiguous information.Dr. Marlene's clever blood sugar plan simplifies everything.In its pages, readers will find easy-to-use tools, step-by-step instructions, and dozens of tips on how to repair insulin resistance and maintain healthy blood sugar levels without spending a lot of money or time on food.Many are concerned about diabetes.In this second edition of Smart Blood Sugar, readers can learn the fundamental changes to their lifestyle and diet.This diabetes book provides straightforward explanations to aid in health reversal prevention, management, and promotion.Dr. Merritt presents a straightforward, logical answer for overseeing glucose, further developing diabetes wellness, as well as other related conditions.This book includes expanded topics and more recent diabetes research without using an excessive amount of scientific jargon.You will learn about our sugar-abundant culture and be guided toward improved health and quality of life.A healthy blood sugar level for the rest of your life is a good place to start.